Iron, Hemp & Women’s Health
Iron is one of the essential nutrients for female health, necessary for physical growth, neurological development, cellular functioning, and the synthesis of certain hormones. Let’s celebrate the power of iron for female health during this special week (and beyond!) After all, there’s no better gift than the gift of good health.
Let’s Talk About Poop (The Benefits of Hemp Protein)
Fiber, or dietary fiber, is the name given to the non-digestible carbohydrates in plants. It can be found in all plant foods, including fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, and seeds, such as hemp seeds. Though most carbohydrates are broken down into sugar molecules called glucose, our bodies cannot break down fiber the same way. Instead, it passes through the body undigested.
Fall In Love With Hemp Hearts (Product Deep Dive)
In the United States, February and hearts go hand in hand. But it’s not just Valentines we’re celebrating; February is also American Heart Month when everyone can focus on their cardiovascular health. With heart disease being the number one cause of death worldwide, we’re passionate about providing information for a healthier lifestyle.
We know you’re busy, and we want to help!